Testimonies - Eyes


1)  At 81, almost lost his vision - but with Luck on his side, he Discovered Super Lutein and Izumio!

Mr. Oh suffered from high cholesterol and high blood pressure, and was also diabetic - resultant of an unhealthy lifestyle. As his health deteriorated, he was further diagnosed with glaucoma and cataract. He under went  laser surgery for cataract and glaucoma, but unfortunately, for 36 days afterwards, he experienced loss of vision.
Super Lutein and Izumio enabled him to regain his eyesight, and as a surprise bonus to him, reduced his  cholesterol, too! 

Discovering Naturally Plus, , his health and eye conditions improved significantly. Mr Oh was 81 at the time he filmed this video in 2011. Even his doctor commented that he is as healthy as that of 31 years old!

Dosage (to help his eyes' recovery):

  • Super Lutein - 5 capsules 3 times a day
  • Izumio - 1 packet 3 times a day

2) Glaucoma Be Gone! Astigmatism Be Gone! Cataract Be Gone! ... the Magic of Super Lutein and Izumio!

Mr Raymond Chung was diagnosed with Glaucoma in September 2008 - with only 20% vision in his left eye and 30% vision in his right eye. Doctor estimated that he would be blind within the next 5 years and that there would only be a small chance of his condition improving.
As fate would have it, he discovered Super Lutein. After a few months' consumption, he felt improvement in his eyes - to a point, one day, he was able to read newspaper again! In the following fortnightly eye check appointment, he told his eye doctor that his vision was better, but, of course, the doctor didn’t believe him. Putting him through further tests, the doctor had to admit that indeed his eyesight had improved!!!

And his fortnightly appointments was immediately rescheduled for 3 months later. It was at this visit, 3 months later, that his eye specialist confirmed that his eye pressure had dropped to the safe range of 12-14.

And that was the last time needed to visit the specialist for his eye problems!
Now,  he talks Naturally Plus with anyone - another self-proclaimed ambassador!

3) "Computer Eyes" Strain - Eyes Health Improved, and Bonus, General Health Improvement, too

The bonus the stock trader wasn't expecting, but very happy with. Member took Super Lutein for his eyes health - being a trader, daily staring at the computer led to eyes deterioration. Took Super Lutein and found that his eyes sight improved, and the unexpected bonus of general well being improved, too! - less lethargic, more energy, lower cholesterol, lower high blood pressure, and lower sugar level - a very healthy bonus, indeed!
  • 3 Super Lutein Capsules, daily

4) Dry Eyes No More for her, and Improved Health for him!

“My name is Tony Chan and I am 47 years old. I had balloon angioplasty operation 5 years ago. After the surgery, I was mostly feeling extreme fatigue and weak. My brother, who had his eyesight improved after taking Super Lutein, recommended Super Lutein to me. After 2 months of consuming Super Lutein, I felt energized. I then recommended it to my wife who suffered from dry eyes and redness in her eyes. Her conditions were caused by burst eye capillaries. On doctor's recommendation, she had been using eye drops since 199 till 2010. After consuming Super Lutein for just 1 month, my wife has recovered from her dry eye condition. She no longer needs the eye drops. I sincerely thank Super Lutein for giving my wife and I our health back.”

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SMS / WhatsApp 013-9257952

All contents in this website, including texts, graphics and images are for general information only. They are not to be construed as drug / medicine & medical advice, and are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease and its related medical conditions. If you have any concerns, please consult your healthcare professional. 
