Testimonies - Cancer


Melanoma, Skin Cancer, Stage 3 - Now, Cancer Free

Mr. Benjamin Khoo, a USA member, was diagnosed with Stage 3 Melanoma. He underwent the first lot of chemotherapy - and like most chemo patients, he felt unwell and weak.
Before he was due for his second treatment, he was introduced to Super Lutein and Izumio. He took 9 capsules of Super Lutein and 2 packs of Izumio for the 10 days leading into his second treatment. He was even well enough to drive himself to and from the hospital after the second treatment.
He continued with the same regime for the rest of his chemo treatments.
He has recently been declared cancer free by his doctors. He feels blessed to have been introduced to Naturally Plus' products - and is now a healthy, energetic ambassador for Super Lutein and Izumio
Dosage during chemo:
  • 9 Super Lutein + 2 packs Izumio

Liver Cancer - scheduled for transplant - and liver healed, surgery no longer required!
In his own words ...
“I’m diagnosed with Liver cancer in 2009 and went through 2 operations altogether as my cancer has relapsed. By the 2nd time it relapsed, the doctor told me that an operation will not work and I will need a Liver Transplant. I was scheduled for Liver Transplant in June 2014.
Actually, one of my friend has constantly tried to persuade me to consume Super Lutein but each time I will take the supplements only for a short period of time, and stop eating thereafter. While waiting for my Liver Transplant, in December 2013, my friend again tried to persuade me to eat Super Lutein. I finally agreed and took them in large amount – 10 capsules day and night. Subsequently, I also started taking Izumio.
During May 2014, one month before my scheduled operation for Liver Transplant, the doctor recommended me to postpone the surgery since my cancer index has stabilized. Since then, my condition is stable and no further surgery is needed till date."
~ Michael Leong, Super Lutein / Izumio Testimonial
  • 10 Capsules Super Lutein, twice a day
  • Izumio was subsequently added to regime

Breast Cancer - Final Stage

In her own words ...
“I am diagnosed with last stage Breast Cancer on 20 May 2010. My cancer cells spread to the lymph nodes, lungs, liver and head area. My stomach was very bloated and I was in a bad state of mind. Since then, I lost a lot of weight.
The doctor persuaded me to go for Chemotherapy but the dates for Chemotherapy was eventually postponed because my body was very weak.
Fortunately, I was recommended by my friend to try Super Lutein and Izumio. I consumed 2 capsules of Super Lutein every 2 hours (a total of 20 capsules a day) and 3 packets of Izumio every day. The doctor saw my health improving and allowed me to proceed with Chemotherapy.
Usually, a patient that goes through Chemotherapy will feel very weak after the session. But that didn’t happen to me. I was feeling fine and after a period of chemotherapy and consuming Super Lutein and Izumio, my cancer cell index has dropped from 313 to 20. I am still consuming the products even till today, with lesser dosage.”
~ Mdm Chong, 47 years old, Super Lutein / Izumio Testimonial
Dosage to bring her body back to healthy level for surgery:
  • 2 capsules of Super Lutein every 2 hours (a total of 20 capsules), per day
  • 3 packets of Izumio, per day

Nasal Cancer 
Sam Yong was diagnosed with third stage Nasal Cancer in 2010. When he under went his first Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy, but felt very weak and was not able to work. His weight dropped drastically from 77 kg to 50 kg. He tried many alternative therapies, such as traditional Chinese medicine, and other supplements but nothing worked for him.
His friend then introduced to Super Lutein and Izumio to him. After consuming the products, he felt more energetic. He was able to continue working as a photographer, throughout the rest of his  radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments.

Five years later (2015), doctors declared him healthy.

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All contents in this website, including texts, graphics and images are for general information only. They are not to be construed as drug / medicine & medical advice, and are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease and its related medical conditions. If you have any concerns, please consult your healthcare professional. 
